Guided Journeys
These journeys are all about quietening the busyness around us and coming back to self. Each session is very different whether it's a one-on-one journey or a downloaded guided meditation. Each session is unique to you, based on what you need at that moment.
I offer intuitive one-on-one sessions as well as downloadable guided meditations. I trust that you will know which one feels right for you.
One-on-One Soul Journeys
Intuitive One-on-One journeys to help you find the home within.
Every journey is unique in itself, focusing on the energy and guidance which shall help you re-connect with the spark of light, the calmness and creativity that every single one of us is, many of us have just forgotten.
These sessions are gentle with calm and loving energy, inspiring and helping you to feel this within your own being. After opening the space for sharing, I shall intuitively guide you through a personalised meditation to reflect or work through what came up. I often use tools such as conscious breath, sound healing, cards or crystals - depending on what feels right at that very moment.
Please know, you do not need meditation experience to enjoy these journeys, simply allow yourself to feel held, and trust your inner self.
1 hr
49 British pounds30 min
29 British pounds